Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Winter Break!
I am very excited to winter break. All of my high school friends are going to be back from college and I am finally going to take some time off work so I have some time to just be with my friends and not have to worry about much of anything at all. Over break, I am going to continue to work full time at my job as a CNA, and start to prepare myself for next semester. I cant wait to have a month off of school and not have to worry about any deadlines and I wont have much to worry about. I am hopeing that I will catch up on my sleep and do things to relieve all the stress! I hope everyone else has a good winter break, and has a safe holiday season. It was great getting to know all of you!
A beautiful end to a stressful semester!
As this first semester of college is begining to wrap up, I cannot be more relieved. Trying to juggle everything that I tried to this semester, I am excited to have a month off and not have too much to worry about. However, I did do well in most of my classes, I would have like to do better because I was a 4.0 student in High School and having lower grades my first semester in college is hard for me to handle, but I tell myself that college is way different than high school and once I learn the college setting and revise all my study habits I want to become a better student. I am excited to finish up this first for me and begin worrying about the next semester!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Winter Weather
The winter weather is just begining, with the snow just starting to fall. I quess however I can not complain because it is December and we are having our first snow falls. This week is supposed to be filled with lots of snow and everythings else that comes along with the winter weather. I hate winter driving. When it is snowing out I try anything to get out of driving. My first year of having my drivers license I had two winter car accidents. One I went into the ditch when we had a big ice storm and my school was not delayed and my road was not plowed yet. The second one was my fault, I didnt scrap my windows and I couldnt see a car stoped at the stop sign and I hit him head on. This winter shall be interesting since I am going to have to drive to La Crosse everyday!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wrapping up
As the first semester in college is begining to wrap up, it seems that there is so much going on. I feel more stressed out in the last week than I have all semester. The pressure is on and it seems like teachers are giving up less time to complete what we need to. With the end of fall semester in view, I need to start to buckle down again and not let little things in life take me down a different path. I hope the end of semester goes well for me and I do good in all my classes. Next semester I plan to lighten my load so I do not get so stressed out!
Monday, November 23, 2009
New Roomate...
This week sometime my boyfriend and I are supposed to have our new roomate move in with us. My boyfriend doesnt know her and has never met her, but I met her through work. I am real excited to have another person living in the big ol' house with us, because when I am home alone I get really lonely. Also she is going to help with the cost of living. I am also a little nervous becuause I dont really know that much about her. I hope everything works out!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Stressed OUT!
As my first semester at Western is slowly coming to an end, I am starting to feel the pressure. It seems like everything, in every class is starting to come all at once. It is starting to get a little overwhelming. Between working all the time and trying to study for all my classes is getting harder each week. With my work load getting larger, I am not getting as much sleep as I need. Working till 11 at night then doing homework until midnight, then getting up at five when my boyfriend leaves for work to do more homework. Five hours of sleep a night is by far not enough for me. I am starting to find my self a little less attentive during my morning classes, which I'm afraid will impact my grade. But there is only four more weeks left and I am going to get through it one way or another. I mean there is always time over Christmas to sleep.
Monday, November 16, 2009
New ROOM!!
This weekend was a very busy one for me. On saturday my mom and I went to La Crosse and picked out my paint colors for my room. We also bought the new bedding. On sunday we broke down and started painting. It was fun, and I am really excited to see what its going to look like when its all finished. We painted one wall dark chocolate brown and the other wall white. Then we are going to paint all the trim the dark chocolate also. I am real excited to get my room done, so that I can get my bed in there and start getting my new house set up the way I want it.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
New puppy

I experienced the hardest thing i have experienced this week. I recieved a call thursday afternoon from my uncle. I was at work so i didnt answer but i listened to the voicemail, and at that moment my heart stopped. My puppy Duke of 7 months was ran over and killed. Duke was my bestfriend, he went everywhere with me! So for the past few days i have been having to adjust to not having my Dukee around. So after i sat at home by myself Friday i came to the conclusion that i couldnt take it anymore and i needed a new puppy. So, on Saturday, my mom my boyfriend and i ventured out to get us a new puppy. We went up to an amish farm in cashton. My boyfriend got out of the car and asked if they had any puppies left and he said yes one male. I was really excited because we wanted a male, and i would have been heart broken if they didnt have any puppies left! We walked over the the kennel that they kept the dogs in, and as soon as i saw him my heart melted and I new he was mine! We have been having a good weekend getting used to the new puppy, but its a big adjustment for me and my whole family not have duke around. Now we have Cope!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tomorrow is the day!
Well, tomorrow is the day that I start packing up all my things and start moving out of my moms house. I am a little nervous because, I will be on my own. My mom wont be there to make supper for me, or buy me groceries. I am going to have to do it all on my own. I am also excited because, it will be just me and my boyfriend, and it will be like our house. I am going to miss seeing my mom everyday just because we are so close, even though I am moving into the house 300 feet away from my moms, and my mom is my landlord. I am going to be broke at first until I get used to managing my money differently, but I think everything is going to work out.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Life in a small town!
Living in the country, of a town of 5oo people, dont leave much to do. On a normal weekend I either work, or just hang out at with my boyfriend at his home. This past weekend was my boyfriends 21 birthday! So we actually broke out of the house and went out with his family. We drove down to the small town of Genoa, Wisconsin and met up with some of his family friends down there. We had such a fun time. I love getting out of the house every once in a while, but I dont have much time for a life. Between going to school and working full time, I sometimes neglect doing something for myself. To me school, and making a living is more important to me than going out every weekend.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
By the end of this year I am going to change a lot of things in my life. I was planning on moving in with my boyfriend at the end of this school year, but instead I will most likely be moved in by Christmas. His roomates just got married and are looking for a place of their own. I dont know if I am ready to move out just yet, but the house that I will be moving into is just next to my moms so it isnt a big adjustment. On the other hand I think I am ready to move in with my boyfriend. We have been dating four years, and I cant wait to decorate and make it my OWN house.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Changing Weather
Waking up in the morning this week has been hard. The weather has been cloudy and raining, so when my alarm goes off at 6:30 it makes it hard to wake up, because its still dark. I love this time of the year, but im sick of this freezing cold weather and rain. I cant wait until the leaves start changing and just the smell of fall. This year has been a wierd year. Summer was cool, and so far the fall has been almost cold! I just wish we could have "normal" seasons.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Fitting everything in
As I was laying in bed the other day, I started thinking that life really is not easy. I may have thought that it was easy because I relied on my mom for everything, but now im mostly on my own. I still live at home but I am working full time, going to school full time and paying all my bills. I am tired what seems like all the time, but a girl has to do what a girl has to do right? Sometimes I think that I push myself to much, but then I stop and think about being the first one in my family to go on to school, and thats all worth it. Life is what you make of it, and working is in my blood i swear. I have been working since I was fifteen! I couldnt imagine not having a job. Life is what you make it and I think that my life is just the way it should be!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
College Life
My college career is finally undergo! I gave my frist speech and I took my first test as a college student. I realized that life isnt as easy as it was for me in high school. I studied for my test the same way I always did for my tests in high school, but the outcome wasnt as well I wanted. I am going to have to adjust and learn new study habits that corrispond with college tests! Again I am encountering new aspects in my life and I have to adjust to all the new things of a college student compared to high school.
Monday, August 31, 2009
New Beginings
I consider adjustment and a big characteristic in the circle of life. Everyone goes through adjustment sometime during their life, like a kindergardener on their first day of school, a college student moving away from home, getting married, loosing someone you care about; well you get the point adjustment is huge! I am finding that out right now as I start my journey as a college student. Juggling work, homework, and class is not as easy as I had imagined it, but its all about adjustment. I have to learn new study habits, and how to manage my time better. I am starting to get the hang of it and it is becoming easier to my everyday routine. As the year goes on some things will get easy, but as those "old" things get easier new things will become part of my life.
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